1、一份等待,一份无期 。
One is waiting, the other is indefinite.
2、等待,也只是着一瞬间而已 。
Waiting is just a moment.
3、等待是一个动词,有很多种 。
Waiting is a verb. There are many kinds of it.
4、十年的等待,究竟有多苦 。
How hard is it to wait for ten years.
5、等你,带我去江南 。
Wait for you, take me to Jiangnan.
6、耐心等待,现在不是抄底时候 。
Wait patiently. This is not the time to copy the bottom.
7、美好的时光,遥远的等待 。
Good time, distant waiting.
8、事莫待来时忍,欲莫待动时制 。
Don't wait to be patient when things come. Don't wait to make changes when you want to.
9、最极致的坚持,是耐心等待 。
The ultimate persistence is patience.
Wait patiently, opportunity is everything!
11、我亦飘零久,为等良人归 。
I have been wandering for a long time, waiting for my beloved to return.
12、岁月漫长,然而值得等待 。
It's a long time, but it's worth waiting for.
13、一生很短,来不及去等待 。
Life is too short to wait.
14、树不可长太快,人要学会等待 。
Trees should not grow too fast. People should learn to wait.
15、等待你的关心,等到我关上了心 。
Waiting for your concern, until I close my heart.
16、等待的爱情,无怨无悔 。
Waiting for love, no regrets.
17、不断修行,耐心等待 。
Practice constantly and wait patiently.
18、行也思君,坐也思君 。
I miss you when I walk and I miss you when I sit.
19、善于等待,耐心持有 。
Good at waiting, patient to hold.
20、等一片花落,等一人归来 。
Waiting for a flower to fall, waiting for a person to return.
21、一个人,一颗心,一生等待 。
A person, a heart, waiting for life.
When the winter wind is strong, wait for the reserve collection!
23、缘分需要等待,也是因果 。
Fate needs to wait, which is also cause and effect.
24、等待得绯彻缠绵,那些个等待 。
The waiting is very lingering, those waiting.
25、耐心等待,也是一种善良 。
Patience is also a kind of kindness.
26、学会心安,学会等待 。
Learn peace of mind, learn to wait.
27、我在等,等你回头,或等我死心 。
I'm waiting, waiting for you to turn around, or wait for me to die.
28、生活需要等待,人生离不开等待 。
Life needs to wait, life can not do without waiting.
29、等待是美好的,等待也是漫长的 。
Waiting is good, and waiting is long.
30、等待是一种痛,忘掉也是一种痛 。
Waiting is a pain, forgetting is also a pain.
31、耐心,是最优雅的等待 。
Patience is the most elegant waiting.
32、等待,也是一种沉淀和幸福 。
Waiting is also a kind of precipitation and happiness.
33、岁月漫长,仍值等待 。
The years are long and still worth waiting for.
34、一生很短,永远经不起等待 。
Life is short and can never stand the wait.
35、等你,在每一个春夏秋冬 。
Waiting for you, in every spring, summer, autumn and winter.
Life is too short to wait!
I'm glad I can wait. How about you?
38、等待他,等待最好的时候 。
Waiting for him, waiting for the best time.
39、雾里看花,苍老了谁的等待 。
Looking at the flowers in the fog, who's waiting.
When summer rains, wait for weeding!
Fate needs to wait, but also cause and effect!
42、等待,是最坚固的牢 。
Waiting is the strongest prison.
43、等待,一个谁也绕不过去的命题 。
Waiting, a proposition that no one can bypass.
44、天上真的有馅饼,我一直在等待 。
There's pie in the sky, I've been waiting.
45、人的一生之中,总会有许多等待 。
There is always a lot to wait for in one's life.
46、余生不长,不要等太久 。
Don't wait too long for the rest of your life.
47、天青色等烟雨,我在黄昏等你 。
Blue sky waiting for rain, I wait for you at dusk.
48、等待会痛,忘记也会痛苦 。
Waiting will hurt, forgetting will also be painful.
49、人生无奈,学会等待 。
Life helpless, learn to wait.
50、无言以对,耐心等待 。
【等待英语句子】Speechless, wait patiently.
- 励志短句致自己奋斗的句子简短
- 宝宝生病祝康复的句子
- 画蛇添足的意思和造句子
- 发朋友圈的霸气句子男
- 古风表白句子给男生短句
- 感谢相遇感谢陪伴句子
- 每天早晨的励志句子发朋友圈
- 如释重负的意思和造句子
- 很走心适合发朋友圈的句子
- 生日精致的句子祝自己生日快乐