感叹生活的英文句子 感叹生活的英文唯美句子
1、不要在夕阳西下时幻想 , 要在旭日东升时努力 。
Dont dream to work hard in the sunset, when The red sun rises in sky.
2、人生不售来回票 , 一旦动身 , 绝不能复返 。
Life does not sell back and forth, once leaving, never to return.
3、如果你向神求助 , 说明你相信神的能力;如果神没有帮助你 , 说明神相信你的能力 。
If you ask for help, you believe in the power of God; if God does not help you, God that I believe in your ability.
4、因为年轻我们一无所有 , 也正因为年轻我们将拥有一切 。
Because young we have nothing, because we are young, we will have everything.
【感叹生活的英文句子 感叹生活的英文唯美句子】5、世界上只有想不通的人 , 没有走不通的路 。
In the world only can not think of people, there is no way out of the road.
6、不要因为怕被玫瑰的刺伤到你 , 不敢去摘玫瑰 。
Dont dare to pick a rose for fear of being hurt by a rose.
7、与其临渊羡鱼 , 不如退而结网 。若不给自己设限 , 则人生中没有限制你发挥的藩篱 。
And hide as retreat webs. If not to their limits, there is no restriction on the life of the fence you play.
8、琴弦松驰 , 弹不出动听的乐曲;生活散漫 , 点不燃生命的火焰 。
The strings of slack, can not play beautiful music; life rambling, kindle the flame of life.
9、与其战胜敌人一万次 , 不如战胜自己一次 。
Instead of defeating the enemy ten thousand times, it is better to beat yourself.
10、一个能从别人的观念来看事情 , 能了解别人心灵活动的人 , 永远不必为自己的前途担心 。
A person can see things from other peoples ideas, to understand other peoples spiritual activities, never have to worry about their own future.
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