
1、谁谓伤心画不成,画人心逐世人情 。
Who said that sad painting can not be achieved, painting people's hearts, human feelings.
2、少年经不得顺境,中年经不得闲境,晚年经不得逆境 。
Youth can not be prosperous, middle-aged can not be idle, old age can not be adversity.
3、月夜里那场邂逅,是谁轮回守候 。
On the night of the moon, who is waiting for me.
4、其雨其雨,杲杲出日 。愿言思伯,甘心首疾 。
Its rain, its rain, the sun. I would like to say that I would like to think of Bo, and I would like to be the first to suffer.
5、君住长江头,我住长江尾,日日思君不见君,共饮长江水 。
You live in the head of the Yangtze River, I live in the end of the Yangtze River, thinking about you every day, but not seeing you, drinking the water of the Yangtze River.
6、枕前泪共阶前雨,隔个窗儿滴到明 。
The tears in front of the pillow are the rain before the steps, and drips to the light through a window.
7、数奉手书,热情诚挚之情,溢于言表 。
The number of hand written, warm and sincere feelings, beyond the words.
8、倾心一人,岁月亦须礼让三飞 。
Love one person, years also need to be courteous three fly.
9、织锦相思楼影下,钿钗暗约小帘间 。
Under the shadow of the brocade Acacia building, the mother of heaven hairpin is dark about the small curtain.
10、幸与君初相识,暖花怜与君兮,生生世世 。
Fortunately, I met you at the beginning of my life.
11、鸿雁在云鱼在水,惆怅此情难寄 。
Wild geese in cloud fish in water, melancholy this feeling hard to send.
12、有缘相遇,无缘相聚,天涯海角,但愿相忆 。
Fate to meet, no fate to get together, the ends of the earth, I hope to remember.
13、夜冷梦长,长不过人海茫茫;人走茶凉,凉不过青丝成霜 。
Night cold dream long, long but boundless sea of people; people walk tea cool, cool but green silk into frost.
14、落絮无声春堕泪,行云有影月含羞 。
Falling moon, silent shadow.
15、听闻小姐治家有方,比人余生原文其祥 。
It is said that the young lady manages her family well and is more auspicious than the rest of her life.
16、离恨却如春草,更行更远还生 。
From hate but like spring grass, even further away still alive.
17、风追落叶叶追尘,彩云追月月自明 。
The wind chases the fallen leaves, the leaves chase the dust, and the colorful clouds chase the moon.
18、希望众生在你眼里都是平庸,只有我是人间星光 。
I hope all sentient beings are mediocre in your eyes, only I am the star in the world.
19、冰丝玉缕簇青红,已逗花梢一信风 。
Ice jade thread cluster green red, has teased the flower tip a trade wind.
20、道海水深,不抵相思半 。海水尚有涯,相思渺无畔 。
Deep sea water, not half Acacia. There is still a limit to the sea, acacia is boundless.
21、他微笑着,在岁月的流失中毁掉自己 。
He smiles, destroying himself in the loss of years.
22、人间自是有情痴,此恨无关风与月 。
There is love and infatuation in the world. This hatred has nothing to do with the wind and the moon.
23、一场烟雨落红伤,白月光,添惆怅,空余枝头无花香 。
A misty rain red, white moonlight, add melancholy, spare branches no flower fragrance.
24、凤凰双双对,飞去飞来烟雨秋 。
Phoenix pair, fly to fly to the misty rain autumn.
25、照水有情聊整鬓,倚栏无绪更兜鞋,眼边牵系懒归来 。
According to the water, you can talk about the whole temples, lean on the fence without thread, and you will come back with lazy eyes.
26、我不知道什么是年少轻狂,我只知道什么是胜者为王 。
I don't know what is youth frivolity, I only know what is the winner is king.
27、小荷才露尖尖角,早有蜻蜓立上头 。
The up and coming lotus just bud; a dragonfly has already stood on it.
28、此水几时休,此恨何时已 。只愿君心似我心,定不负相思意 。
When will this water cease, when will this hate be. I only wish that your heart is like my heart, and I will not lose my love.
29、唇焦口燥呼不得,香雾云鬟湿 。
My lips are parched and my mouth is dry. I can't breathe.
30、君潇洒墨一挥,一封休书落款递我 。
With a wave of ink, a letter of divorce was handed to me.
Life is only a hundred years of desolation, what about forgetting everything?
32、梅粉堆阶慵不扫,等闲过却初春 。
Plum powder heap steps languid not to sweep, so leisurely but early spring.
33、流芳千古,不如只争朝夕日暮,人约黄昏后 。
It's better to seize the day and the evening, after the appointment.
34、我以天下为礼,聘你一世为妻 。
I take the world as a gift, and take you as my wife all my life.
35、我也曾少年白衣,信誓旦旦许诺过一人暮年古稀 。
I have also been young in white, and have promised a person in his old age.
36、殷勤花下同携手 。更尽杯中酒 。美人不用敛蛾眉 。
Courteous flowers hand in hand. More wine in the cup. Beauty does not have to close her eyebrows.
37、总为浮云能蔽日,长安不见使人愁 。
The cloud can block out the sun, Chang'an is sad.
38、我一觉醒转,你一定就在我左岸,牵着手,等一树桃花 。
【英文个性签名古风】I wake up to turn, you must be on my left bank, holding hands, waiting for a peach blossom tree.
39、乡间无朋友,实是第一恨事 。
Having no friends in the country is the first thing to hate.
If you want to send color paper and ruler, where do you know?
41、相顾无言,惟有泪千行 。料得年年肠断处,明月夜,短松冈 。
There are no words but tears. It's expected that every year the intestines are broken, and the moon is bright, and the pines are short.
42、长太息以掩涕兮,哀民生之多艰 。
It's hard for people's livelihood.
43、风吹沙吹成沙漠,你等我,等成十年漫长的打坐 。
Wind blowing sand into the desert, you wait for me, waiting for ten years of long meditation.
44、狼人月,伊人憔悴,君举杯,饮尽风雪 。
Werewolf month, Yi people haggard, you raise a glass, drink the wind and snow.
45、桃花灼情乐瑟鸣,花似佳人愿与倾 。
The peach blossom is burning with love and music, and the flower is like a beautiful woman's wish and inclination.
46、朕的江山,养你一个祸水还绰绰有余 。
It's more than enough for me to support you.
47、如今俱是异乡人,相见更无因 。
Now all of us are from other places, so we have no reason to meet each other.
48、不是一番寒彻骨,怎得梅花扑鼻香 。
It's not a bitter cold, how to get plum blossom fragrance.
49、我愿先颠沛流离,晚点儿遇到温暖的你 。
I'd like to wander first and meet you later.
50、曲未终、人已散,酒未醉、心已碎 。
Before the end of the song, people have dispersed, wine is not drunk, the heart has been broken.
51、世太凉,情微伤 。笑容已不见,沦落成沧桑 。
The world is too cold, feeling slightly hurt. Smile has disappeared, reduced to vicissitudes.
52、终是红尘人,亦染红尘事 。
He is a man of the world, and he is also a man of the world.
53、若问何来凝集力,人文始祖是轩辕 。
If asked how to agglutinate, the ancestor of humanity is Xuanyuan.
54、逐日策马,大氅迎风飒飒,时岁入腊,怎忍佳人等煞 。
Day by day, horse riding, cloaks in the wind, when the year of wax, how to bear the beauty of evil spirits.
55、放开手,使开胆,不复瞻前顾后 。
Let go of your hand, open your mind and never look back.
56、风华之巅,含泪泣血话三生,别离之际,你真我假许千年 。
On the top of Fenghua, we talk about Sansheng with tears and blood. When we leave, we will leave for thousands of years.
57、流逝的时间,退后的风景,邂逅的人,终究是渐行渐远 。
The passage of time, the scenery of retrogression, the people met by chance, are gradually drifting away.
58、一入宫墙深似海,从此萧郎是路人 。
As soon as he entered the palace wall, he became a passer-by.
59、谁说感情滂沱不然,怎得侵湿了整件衣裳 。
Who said that the feeling is so heavy, how can you wet the whole dress.
60、满院落花帘不卷,断肠芳草远 。
Full of flowers and curtains do not roll, heartbroken grass far.
