And if I gotta(如果必须要)
Bu bu break it all down(打破所有阻碍)
Then let's break it all down(我就打破所有阻碍)
Bye bye bye(一切都不在)
Playing with fire(我自有火光)
And we burn it all down(我将不可阻挡)
It starts right now(战火已燃起)
Baby you're surrounded(你已无路可逃)
Put your money where your mouth is(兑现你的承诺)
Bury your doubts under the ground(将所有疑虑,深埋于地底)
And they gonna watch you step over the ashes(所有人将仰视我,踏平灰烬)
Right now I'm taking my turn with the matches(轮到我来,照亮下一段传奇)
Cause if I gotta(如果需要我)
Bu bu burn it all down(粉碎这高墙)
Then we'll burn it all down(我将不可阻挡)
My oh my look at who end up bigger this time(看就看,这次谁会成为新王)
And if I gotta(如果必须要)
Bu bu break it all down(打破所有阻碍)
Then let's break it all down(我就打破所有阻碍)
Bye bye bye(一切都不在)
Playing with fire(我自有火光)
And we burn it all down(我将不可阻挡)
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