托福独立写作想要拿到高分,考生需要在作文中体现出两个基本要素,它们分别是规范合理的文章布局结构,以及在这个结构中体现出的独特的新意写法 。下面小编就和大家分享托福独立写作高分作文,希望能够帮助到大家,来欣赏一下吧 。
对于托福写作来说,合理且规范的文章布局还是必不可少的,甚至可以说是一篇高分作文的基础所在 。标准化的开头加中间段加结尾段的五段式文章结构一直都是最为经典且实用的结构,考生无需花费太多心思在文章布局结构上多动脑筋,这样的五段写法足以保证大家的托福独立写作主线脉络得到充分体现 。然后具体说说中间段 。中间段落的文章结构就是T过渡词ransitionalwords + 中心句topic sentence +具体展开论述development 。如果考生在平时能熟练运用这样的文章结构来展开托福独立作文,那么考场上就会凭借这份思维套路来帮助自己保持住基本的得分 。
说到过渡词Transitional words,一般主要有以下三种类型,即表顺序:firstly, secondly, finally(lastbut not least); 表并列:besides, in addition; 表对比:in contrast, incomparison 。这些过渡词会让文章看起来脉络清晰,组织严密,也就做到了评分标准中的“well-organized”一条 。当然,有过渡词的文章读起来也会让人觉得更加通顺流畅,给考官更好的阅读体验 。
对于托福写作来说,有了规范的写作布局,只能托福写作冲刺高分最为基础的一个环节 。而对于文章的新意而言更多的就是来自于文章观点的确立 。而在托福写作中想要写出一个有新意的观点,还是需要考生具备一定观察能力才能做到的 。原封不动的直接套用范文或是模板的内容,自然很难提起阅卷人的兴趣 。但是,大家也不必对观点本身的对错过于纠结,只要能说的有理有据就没问题了,因为托福写作主要还是考查对于观点话题的论述 。有了自己原创的观点,考生自然就不用担心之后论述上观点雷同的问题 。不过,在这里小编还是需要提醒大家,不要过于纠结观点的深度,观点定位过深,一时之间不能找到论据,导致无话可说,反而会造成适得其反的效果,追求观点有新意是好事,但也不要做的太过头了 。
在托福写作过程中,想要完美充实的布局并体现出观点的独特新意都离不开例证内容的诠释 。相信很多同学在备考托福写作的过程中,也会不断的累积各式各样的例证资料 。但是,托福写作中对例子论证的要求并不在其新意,而是在于考生你如何用论据来解释观点,或者说你的例子论据需要能和观点想匹配才会具有说服力 。另外,有些同学喜欢使用高分范文里面的例子论据,这种做法本身是没有任何问题的,但使用时如果直接整个照搬例子的话就有可能因为完全一样或者相似度太高的句式而引起被判定为雷同的风险,这是考生需要特别注意避免的,所以大家不妨学习一下改写语句中的内容的方法技巧,即便不会改写,也可以尝试换掉一些关键词来避免雷同问题 。
The independent essay usually asks for your opinion about a familiar topic.You will have 30 minutes to plan, write, and revise your response. Typically, agood essay for the independent topic will require that you write 300–350words.
You are planning to study abroad. What do you think you will like anddislike about this experience? Why? Use specific reasons and details to supportyour answer.
本题要求考生通过定位,概括和分类仔细审题,就某个问题写一篇感想,或就一个事件进行阐述,解释以及论证自己的观点,列出提纲明确主题并围绕主题来写作和修改文章 。
My mother once told me that she could always find my eyes shining at themention of going abroad for further education. There is no denying the fact thatI have strong desire of my oversea trip and have planed of it for a long periodsince I began my high school time. In fact, I am only a typical example of thoseyoung students who have the some dream. A result of recent survey, released by afamous magazine in my hometown showed that more than 72 percent local highschool students has pleasant association with studying abroad. Anyway, suchdecisions can benefit a young man a great deal while it is not without itsproblems.
Will oversea colleges and universities, especially those in America,provide Chinese student a more refined education? The data I select over thisyear leads to me believe that the answer is undoubtedly positive, since thoseabroad universities, which enjoy high reputations world-widely, have faculty andadvanced facility. It is the education with totally different conceptions thatwill exert positively influence on one by widening his or her horizon, wherebyhe/she can put him/herself in a favorable position in the future jobmarkets.
Secondly, which is another conspicuous advantage of the oversea life, itcan bring one friends from a variety of countries. Seldom can one have an adjustjudgement to a remote nation without consorting with the people from that area.As my cousin, who has been living in England for over seven years, pointed out,she learns a lot from her foreign friends.
However, we immature students should be blind to the dilemma we may facetoward in the future. Living in a foreign country means one should try hard toadapt him/herself to a new environment and, in addition, probably have to sufferfrom the segregation with family.
After the both sides of abroad life are viewed, it is time to draw myconclusion. In short, the study in a foreign university will be a preciousexperience to a young man as long as he/she can overcome the difficulty he/shemay encounter.
Some items (such as clothes or furniture) can be made by hand or bymachine. Which do you prefer——items made by hand or items made by machine? Usereasons and specific examples to explain your choice.
这道题选择比较自由,无论选哪一种都行,只要列出几个好的理由(注意:家具也有很多种,根据不同的种类,也可以有不同的偏好) 。
From my point of view, there are many factors affecting whether to choosean item made by hand or by machine. The main factor to make a judgment iswhether we use the item for our daily life or for collection and decorationpurposes.
For items used in our daily life, the choices we make depend on thefollowing factors: function, form, and price. Function is the most importantthing for us. If a product is beautiful, but it is not able to perform thefunction, it can only be called a decoration, or a piece of garbage. Forexample, when we buy a TV, what we really care about first it is the quality ofthe picture and sound, how many stations it can receive, and whether it can beconnected easily to the VCR and DVD player at home. The second factor thataffects our choice of a product for daily use is its form. Is the TV too big,too small, or too ugly? Will it fit into the living room? Will it be compatiblewith the colors of other appliances and the furniture? The third factor we mayconsider is the price. Even if we are very happy with the item, there is nomeaning if we cannot afford it.
So, in our daily life, there is really no difference whether our clothes orfurniture are made by hand or made by machine. It just doesn't matter as long asthey can perform their function. For items for collection and decoration, it isa completely different story. Ancient tools and historical artifacts have moremarket and educational value than modern day massively produced products, andtraditional handicrafts make good tourist souvenirs and beautiful decoration forthe house. Therefore, when it comes to items for collection and decoration, Iwould definitely choose items made by hand, because they are just sospecial.
In conclusion, depending on different items and different uses, I will makedifferent choices.
What do I consider the most important room in the house? Why is this roommore important to me than any other rooms? As the questions pops up before me,so do the images of the various rooms in my house. I think that I consider thedining room to be the most important room of the house.
First of all, this is the room where all the members of the family sit downtogether, at least for dinner. This brings closeness among the various membersof the family. It also gives each of the members an opportunity to relatehis/her experiences during the day and share those of others. It is here wheretensions die down when mother cracks a joke or dad relates a humorous incidentof his job.
Secondly, this is where we feed and nourish ourselves. It serves as a pointwhere you stop, even for a minute (like morning rush hours), and grab your breadand milk. The dining room serves as a showroom of the kitchen bringing thenot-so-good looking vegetables appear mouthwatering. This is where you take yourfood normally.
Thirdly it is the room to which you turn too when a large number ofrelatives arrive. Set up some more chairs and you are ready to take care of allof them. Can you do this in the bedroom or the bedroom? Some will suggestoutdoors as an alternative but do all people have the luxury of a lawn? And whatif it's raining? Turn to the dining room!
【托福独立写作高分作文技巧】In concluding, I would like to say that the dining room seems to be themost important of all rooms in the house. It is a nourishment point, anexpansion unit and a family hub, all combined into one. I consider it as theserver of the modern home, networking all aspects into one entit
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