
为了让准备GRE考试的考生不要太盲目,无所适从,下面小编就和大家分享GRE考试备考策略及注意内容,希望能够帮助到大家,来欣赏一下吧 。
1提前熟悉问题类型和方向 。
2.注意回答时间 。
3在回答之前一定要阅读问题和选项 。一部分是对的,没有得分 。
4回答每一个问题,即使你不得不猜测 。
5面对不熟悉的问题,你可以借助内在的知识找出答案 。
6.不要在你认为特别困难的话题上花太多时间 。因为每个问题的分数都是一样的 。
【GRE考试备考策略及注意内容】7号 。不要花太多时间浏览网页,因为它会占用你回答问题的时间 。
8个 。在提交每个部分的答案之前,您可以通过浏览页面来检查是否已回答了所有问题 。
1仔细阅读这两篇文章的评分标准,gre考试技巧, gre备考要多久以便更好地了解评论者是如何评分的,以及他们关注哪些因素 。
2.在时机成熟的情况下写作 。
3注意主题中的具体要求,确保你的作文与主题相关 。
4提前组织思路和提纲 。
5在分析问题的写作部分,你应该用阅读、个人经历、观察或学习中积累的原因或例子来支持自己的观点 。
6.每一篇文章完成后,留些时间通读,做必要的修改,纠正明显的错误 。
7尽量避免太多的讽刺或幽默,以免被评论家误读 。
1.首先阅读文章的所有段落,在回答问题之前理解文章的大意 。
2.根据课文内容回答问题,而不是根据外部知识 。
3 。用选择填空,然后再读一遍,以确保段落清楚 。
4 。试着用自己的语言填空,gre考试技巧, gre备考要多久然后找出与意思相符的选择 。
5找出那些看起来特别重要的单词和句子 。
1几何图形不一定按比例绘制,因此不要使用目视检查或测量来估计尺寸 。
2.如果可以,请绘制自己的图表或列表以帮助确定主题中的问题 。
3如果可行,尽量采用减量法、数量比较法、数字模型法等方法,避免计算冗长 。
4注意进度 。如果一个问题拖延或计算方法花费了太多时间,你应该改变你的策略 。
5计算完答案后,再看一遍这个问题,以确保你的答案是合理的 。
1、至少提前半小时到达考场 。
2、只有持有身份证相关证件和材料才能进入考场 。
3、考试结束后,一般安排在两篇作文和两节语文数学课后 。注意休息和饮食以补充体力 。
4、学生的语文和数学成绩将在考试结束后立即显示出来,gre考试技巧,gre备考要多久他们可以填写学校代码免费送分 。考试前,你可以记住你想申请的学校代码,并当场填写 。离开考场后,请填写并寄到分院收取额外费用 。
5、考试成绩一般在考试后10天左右正式公布 。你可以通过官方网站查看分数 。如果你对考试成绩不是很满意,也可以在考试结束后立即取消分数 。
6、报名间隔:目前正式规定,两次考试间隔时间至少为20天,一年内考试的最大次数为5次 。
7、GRE成绩有效期为5年:考生可以从过去5年的所有成绩中选出最满意的考试成绩,并将其发送给感兴趣的院校 。报考的院校只能看到考生选择发给他们的分数,不知道考生是否参加过多次GRE考试 。因此,如果考生对考试成绩不满意,可以选择继续参加考试,直到他有一个更好的分数 。
It is possible to pass laws that control or place limits on people'sbehavior,but legislation cannot reform human nature. Laws cannot change what isin people's hearts and minds.
通过法律可以控制或者限制人们的行为,但是立法是无法改变人类本性的 。法律无法改变人们的感情和思想 。
Ever since the Code of Hammurapi comes into being,laws have begun to putrestrictions on people's behaviors and have played an important role in themaintenance of social order. But aside from its impact on shaping publicdeportment,legislation is of no avail to reform human nature as well as mankindthoughts.
Our collective life experience is that we make choices and decisions everyday--under a legal system. No one is ever granted the rights to surpass theboundary of laws; otherwise there may be lack of protection for private propertyand personal right from being violated. Common sense tells us that the laws willpunish the wrongdoers severely sometimes so harshly even to sentence the felonsto death. It is the awe to controlling authority as well as the fear ofcastigation that made most of the people away from the illicit behaviors. Laws,for better or worse,have put up a paradigm on which people abide by,for thesake of personal interests and the social stability as well.
Laws can exert their influences on people's “hands and legs”,but when itcomes to man's hearts and minds,it cannot. In the long history of itsdevelopment,laws change over time and vary from region to region not to alterhuman nature but to be flexible enough to take account of various circumstances,times and places. The end of a legal system impels laws to evolve to keep pacewith changing mores,customers,and our collective sense of equity but withlittle concern for the reconstruction of human thoughts. Bigamy,to be commonlyregarded as illegal in most countries,is yet legitimate in some Arabiancountries. For Islamic,outlawing bigamy seems an impinge upon their religiousfreedom of choosing mates. Instead of bringing about a revolution in theconception of marriage among Islamic disciples,laws give way to the entrenchedcustomers. Still more,from the psychotic analysis angle,that laws will changenature is further doubted. Sigmund Freud has divided the individual personalityinto threefold: the id,the ego and the super ego. The ego,as the surface ofthe nature and the part you show the world,is governed by the “realityprinciple,” otherwise known as laws.
However,so powerless are laws to extend its impacts on the id and thesuperego remains below,each has its own significant effects on the personality.A rapist,for example,despite years of imprisonment may still relapse intooutrages in that laws fail to civilize the id desires composing of instinctualdrives. By no means can laws alone alter our nature. Were laws by itself be ableto cause a change in the human nature and exercise a fundamental influence onpeople's hearts and minds,then it would probably be no need for its existence.People at no time can ever have imagined this.
In fact,to truly change the human nature,it is through the synergicefforts associating the education,moral and ethic social interactionsaltogether that brought about a reconstruction of human nature.
In conclusion,in spite the fact that we may live in a harmonious societywith the implementation of the laws,it seems unthinkable for laws to undertakethe role as a reformer in rebuilding man's nature as well as hearts andminds.
Censorship is rarely, if ever, justified.
审查很少能够做到公正 。
“Censorship” is a word which seems to be authoritative rather thandemocratic, which implies the will of the governors rather than the will ofgeneral people. Since the occurrence of the censorship, which could be tracedback to the Ancient Rome, it has been playing an important part in the domesticaffairs while arousing applause and condemnation as well. Here the ourgovernment faces a dilemma, is it fair to carry on the censorship at the cost ofsacrificing part of democracy, or just open the gate letting flows of ideas andthoughts in, at the risk of losing its own rampart.
Since censorship suggest an act of changing or suppressing speech, writingor any other forms of expression that is condemned as subversive of the commongood, it must have a close relationship with the one who applies suchsupervision, and the word “common good” should be redefined under differentconditions. There is time when we were all under a powerful monarchy, and the“common good” is the “monarch good”, then the censorship itself is theinstrument of the monarch which solely depended on the will of the monarch; inthe Middle Ages, both the Roman Catholic and the Protestant Churches practicedcensorship that seemed to be oppressive to any ideas challenging the doctrinesof churches and the existence of God; even now, in some authoritative countries,the censorship is used to rule its people by restricting their minds, of course,for the stability of their governing over the people. With these regards,censorship itself is questioned at the rationality of existing, regardless ofthe practices made by the democratic government, while the justice of thedemocratic government is quite doubtable.
The matter concerning is not only who practices the censorship but also howit is practiced. Since different men make different comments on the same work ofart, for example, it is hard to set up a measure by which we could decidewhether one should be prohibited, especially to the work of arts, as its contentalways labeled as “subversive” and “revolutionary”, two words detested by thegovernors most. Such cases could be found in Ulysses by J. Joyce and LadyChatterley’s Lover by D.H Lawrence, these two great novels were firstlyconsidered to be guilty of obscenity and were put to prohibition by the Americangovernment, but turned out to be true masterpieces today. So any form ofcensorship, to some extent, lags behind the development of ideas and will putmore or less a negative effect on their development.
Though the censorship is such a disgusting word embodying so muchoppression and might, it is a compromise we made with the reality far from beingperfect, to provide a comparative stable ground which we could stand on. At thispoint, I don’t agree with the institute like ACLU who oppose any censorship. Thecensorship, though rarely justified, should exist as long as a more ideal andpractical form is found to replace it, or we could only expect our God to createa more ideal species instead of imperfect human beings.

