草莓的胞妹 温柔可人的朋友圈说说,干净走心,值得分享

草莓的胞妹 温柔可人的朋友圈说说,干净走心,值得分享


草莓的胞妹 温柔可人的朋友圈说说,干净走心,值得分享


海阔凭鱼跃 , 天高任鸟飞 , 我不退缩 , 你退缩就好 , 吃了亏就是福 , 福如东海 。
Take a step back. You can take a step back. I won't take a step back. I wish you happiness.

看不惯的人和事太多了 , 尽管我自己也是个废物 , 但这两者并不矛盾 。
There are too many people and things I don't look up to. Although I'm not bullshit myself the two don't conflict.
没有梦想的人 , 与无烦恼的人有什么不同 。
If people don't have dreams what's the difference between being carefree and having no worries.
总是年轻 , 总是说不好的话 。
Always young always bad.
回避羞愧 , 但有用 。
Escape is shameful but it works.
不要说抱歉 , 你要像我一样痛苦才算抱歉 。
Don't say I'm sorry. You have to be as miserable as I am before you apologize.

我讨厌你 , 所以我要骂你 。
I can't stand you so I'll curse you.
即使不爱 , 有很多钱也没关系 。
If there is no love it is OK to have a lot of money.
我是一个很有个性的人 , 不分青红皂白 , 只分好与坏 。
I'm a special protector regardless of the quality of the relationship.
前路漫漫 , 祝你一贫如洗 , 夜以继日想着我的好 , 风水轮流转 , 我的罪过你也一样无法逃脱 。
It's too false to have a bright future. I wish you are down and out thinking about me every night. You can't escape from my sin.

不理睬还占了三分 , 为什么要饶人呢?
No reason to account for three points. Why should we forgive others.
不是甜甜的 , 而是扭下来的时候我很开心 。
It's not sweet to twist but I'm happy when I twist it down.
一切不能回头的美好时光都是美好时光 。
All the beautiful sceneries that can't go back are unparalleled in the world.
